The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence & ESG

A Spectrum of Risks and Opportunities

The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence & ESG

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) may have far-reaching effects on privacy, physical safety, discrimination, and the labor economy. Trust appears to remain a considerable hurdle to the uptake of AI tools, even if their efficacy is apparent. For investors, there may be a spectrum of risks and opportunities related to AI use among portfolio companies along dimensions such as industry and geography.

Download the report and explore these themes further in the following chapters:

  • The Intersection of AI and ESG: Discrimination
  • AI and Privacy: Toward a Social Cost of Data?
  • AI and Safety: Mind the Accumulation of Mass-Market Risks
  • AI and the Labor Economy: It Still Takes Two (Labor & Capital) to Tango
  • AI Governance: Quality Management Is Paramount